Are you making more money than you’re spending on your advertising campaign? Do you have a marketing ROI plan in effect to guide your marketing strategy? Do you know the advertising effectiveness of your marketing strategy? Are your sales and leads a result of your television, print, online pay-per-click or radio advertising campaign?
If the answer is no, or I’m not sure, don’t you think it’s about time you determined your marketing ROI? Find out what’s working and what’s not. Stop wasting money on an ineffective advertising campaign that ends with dismal or no results . Find out the answers so you can make wise decisions about the direction of your business. When you’re dumping vast amounts of money, time and energy into an advertising and marketing campaign, you should know your return on investment.
We are an aggressive mixed media marketing company that has built success on a proven marketing ROI strategies for our clients. When you hire us to handle your advertising and marketing campaign, a team of skilled marketing strategists will implement an ROI model to analyze the how successful it is. Many advertising agencies take a client’s money without any metrics to measure their own progress. A marketing ROI strategy holds us accountable while at the same time providing our clients with valuable information they need to make important business decisions.
If you want measurable results to determine the advertising effectiveness of your advertising and marketing campaigns, we can develop a strategic marketing ROI plan based on the goals you want to achieve. Whether it’s tracking the conversion rate of your pay-per-click advertising campaign, e-commerce sales or promotional ad campaigns, our skilled marketing strategists put the power of real-time data in your hands so you can make the most informed decisions regarding your advertising and marketing budget. At That Company, our strategic marketing ROI plans measure a campaign’s advertising effectiveness. Beware of companies promising a marketing ROI without providing a concrete, step-by-step plan for how they intend to judge a campaign’s advertising effectiveness.
The days of developing television, radio and print marketing campaigns and rolling them out without any quantitative measurements in place to determine their advertising effectiveness is over. Combining our proprietary tracking software with traditional tracking methods, our team can compile data that show our clients how well their campaigns are doing at reaching consumers and converting them into actual sales and leads.
We have several tools at our disposal to measure the advertising effectiveness of your marketing campaign. We give you the entire picture with a marketing ROI plan that makes sense and delivers actionable intelligence. You will never again be faced with the prospect of not knowing which half or your advertising works and which half doesn’t.