Print. Television. Radio. Internet. Reputation management. All of these are a part of advertising but you need full service advertising agencies to help you manage all the facets of your marketing. Trying to keep all of these services in house could be exponentially more costly and may not be as effective as you would, typically, have to hire several advertising executives to be able to fully utilize so many types of advertising and marketing techniques. Particularly as modern media continues to grow and change, keeping up with the internet and advertising techniques for it could be a full time job! The more expedient answer is seeking full service advertising agencies that can help fulfill your marketing and advertising needs without having to devote precious in-company resources to the task.
Th@t! Company Advertising Agency provides all of the same services as full service advertising agencies, specializing in the use of the internet and modern media layered with traditional advertising techniques to bring you the best options in a blended and tiered approach that can provide excellent returns on investment. If you are looking at the use of traditional media, Th@t! Company can help you in developing an advertising plan that not only would fulfill television or print copy needs, but also would offer crossover onto the internet. For many companies the transition to modern media has been a struggle, but Th@t! Company can help you understand that traditional advertising has not disappeared, it has simply transitioned to a new forum. The old stand-bys of strong copy, customer hooks and incentives, and direct messages are all still present. What has changed, however, is the way that many modern consumers reach their advertising. Newspapers are now often read online. Television can be streamed through computers. The internet itself has opened up entire new avenues and websites that utilize these traditional forms in new ways.
Like all good full service advertising agencies, Th@t! Company will work with you to tailor your advertising plan to suit your needs and your budget. Some of the more popular options include search engine optimization to increase the rankings and visibility of your pre-existing website. Custom created illustrated videos provide video advertising at a fraction of live commercial costs. Perhaps you want to branch your company into more use of social media but aren’t sure how to begin. Maybe your website needs work and an overhaul to be more customer friendly, or perhaps you need a full service from start to finish advertising plan to overhaul your old print-based advertising that isn’t getting the returns it used to. Whichever you need to accomplish, Th@t! Company can provide a consultation on advertising options and pricing as one of the best, modern, full service advertising agencies around today.